Weirdload Article Archive Categories:
Astrotheology: Pre-apocalyptic spirituality, synchromysticism, and UFOs
Pop Cult: Third millenium culture, life, and laughs
The Right Stuff
Some Interesting Facts About Apollo 11Everybody thinks they know the whole story. Here are some odd things you might not have heard.
The Magic of the Moon
The Occult Significance
of the Apollo LandingsApollo and Roswell? Masonry on the Moon? The cosmic politics and symbolic meaning of the lunar missions.
Part 1: NASA and the Old Gods
Part 2: A Mason on the Moon
The Eisenhower Briefing Document
A Majestic Cold War GambitThe latest explanations for the Roswell Incident are real doozies.
Aliens in the Outlands
New Mexico and UFOsSgt. Lonnie Zamora, the sole witness to the Socorro Incident case, has died. But has it been solved at last?
There appears to be a doorway on the "D&M Pyramid", one of the most studied features.
A Cosmic Outrage?
NASA's Baffling Deliberate Self-SabotageMaybe someone in the Space Program does not want us to find evidence of life on Mars or there's some really bad rover drivers at JPL.
Messengers from Heaven
Extraterrestrials, the Church, and the Fate of HumanityFew institutions have as much to lose as the Catholic Church from first contact with aliens. Or have they been in contact already?
Part I: Extraterrestrial Demonology
Part II: Angels or Aliens?
Part III: Alien Apocalypse
Part IV: New Heaven, New Earth
Disclosure and
the End of HistoryOnce the secrets of the UFOs are finally revealed, what then?
Science Fiction and the Alien Agenda
And how do sci-fi movies and TV fit into the process?
Popular Culture:
There are some interesting parallels between The Wizard of Oz and The Lord of the Rings.
Did Tolkien steal the story?
Curse of the Assassins
The Roots of Islamic TerrorThe history of the cult of the Assassins shows that the War on Terror will not be an easy win.
Part 1: The Prototype of Terror
Part 2: Assassins Among Us
The Fallen Priests Film Festival
Movies about Compromised Clerics
A list of nearly 300 films and TV shows with devil-dealing priests, erring evangelists, nasty nuns, bad bishops, and calculating cardinals.
Driving through a Swiss city one day, Sir Alfred Hitchcock, the British filmmaker famous for suspense and thriller movies, suddenly pointed out of the car window and said, "That is the most frightening sight I have ever seen." His companion was surprised to see nothing more alarming than a priest in conversation with a little boy, his hand on the child's shoulder. "Run, little boy," cried Hitchcock, leaning out of the car. "Run for your life!"
Part 2: Drama/Historical/Documentary
The Passion and the Shroud
Film v. RelicHow does the Shroud of Turin match up with Mel Gibson's bloody epic? Is the Shroud really the burial cloth of Jesus? The mystery is even stranger than you may think.
Funny Money
Fighting Inflation through Art
Doodling on Federal Reserve Notes it's fun, it's free expression, it's probably illegal.