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Black Collar CrimesThe Linkup's Clergy Crimes Archives

Throughout the 1990s, the Survivors of Clergy Abuse Linkup was one of the major victims' and survivors' support advocate organizations in the US and Canada.

LinkupUnder its president, the late Fr. Tom Economus (died March 23, 2002, just as the Boston scandals were starting), the Linkup provided a valuable resource and rallying-point. Through its newsletter, The Missing Link, and later through a website and mailing lists, all run by me, it reached out and gave a voice to victims across the country and around the world.

The Linkup is now gone; the succeeding organization has another focus. Many of the articles from The Missing Link have been posted on this website already. This section is a compilation of the Black Collar Crimes columns, covering public allegations of all kind of misdeeds (not only sexual abuse) committed by clerics and spiritual leaders of every denomination and religion from around the world from April of 1997 to February of 2002. The emphasis was on "mainstream" churches and individual spiritual leaders and ministers, current and former, rather than "cults".

They are presented here as historical testimony of the clergy sexual abuse crisis in its earlier phases. Original copies of most of these articles have been donated to the Bishops Accountability website for scanning and posting.

Each story quoted has been taken from published news accounts. The stories are organized first alphabetically by US states Alabama-Lousiana (including Washington, DC) and Maine-Wyoming, and by date (most recent first). Reports from all other countries, including Canada, Ireland, and the Vatican, can be found on the International pages. To search a page for a specific reference, use the "Find" button on your browser.

  April 2001 - February 2002

A-L | M-W | International

November 2000 - March 2001:

A-L | M-W | International

April - October 2000:

A-L | M-W | International

November 1999 - March 2000:

A-L | M-W | International

July - October 1999:

A-L | M-W | International

March - June 1999:

A-L | M-W | International

October 1998 - February 1999:

A-L | M-W | International

June - September 1998:

A-L | M-W | International

February - May 1998:

A-L | M-W | International

September 1997 - January 1998:

A-L | M-W | International

April - August 1997:

A-L | M-W | International

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Next: Tom Economus Memorial

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